InsureTaxi Blog

Taxi convoy at beach side resort for charity
August 13, 2014
The resort of New Brighton was flooded with colourful, balloon covered taxis generously ushering almost 80 children from the royal school for the blind, Wavertree and St Vincent school through…

WOW! Recommend 10 friends to us & get £1000 reward!*
August 5, 2014
insureTAXI is committed to providing great service and we know that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. If you recommend a friend to insureTAXI and they take…

South Cheshire College introduces new taxi driver qualification courses
July 9, 2014
South Cheshire College is offering taxi drivers a path to success after recently launching two new taxi qualifications. BTEC Level 2 Certificate The first of the two new courses is a…

insureTAXI launches NEW Website!
May 13, 2014
As you may already be aware insureTAXI have recently launched our new and improved customer website. We have updated man of the original features on the site to make it…

InsureTAXI Sponsors of the Private Hire & Taxi Exhibition
April 8, 2014
We at insureTAXI are extremely proud to be sponsoring the Private Hire & Taxi Exhibition 2014. We have been attending the exhibition for 7 years now and each year we…

insureTAXI team revolution delivers better service!
March 28, 2014
In the last few months we’ve revolutionised the way the team works to offer improved and specialised customer service. We have separated our team into specific areas which are new…

Suffer with back pain? Take advantage of discounted physiotherapy with insureTAXI
March 7, 2014
As a taxi driver, you spend many hours sat down behind the wheel of your vehicle. In fact, a massive 70% of our respondents to the insureTAXI 2013 Taxi Driver…

Proud sponsors of Private Hire & Taxi Exhibition 2014
February 27, 2014
insureTAXI are proud to announce that we will be one of the this years’ main sponsors of the Private Hire Taxi Exhibition organised by the Private Hire and Taxi Monthly…