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Mercedes-Benz M8 Vito Convert Review

April 4, 2013

Mercedes-Benz  is a world class brand producing some of the best engines around today. For many, there is a huge feeling of trust associated with this particular name and it goes without saying that those considering investing in an M8 Vito would typically hold high expectations.

One consumer segment that the model has so far proved extremely popular with is taxi drivers.   After all, when you consider how much time you spend behind the wheel, why shouldn’t you want to make the environment as comfortable as possible?

In addition, your vehicle is also helps you earn a living and it always pays to demonstrate a professional image to clients.   That’s why, popular magazine ‘Cab Direct’ recently paired up with the brand to build a custom designed version especially for taxi drivers.

So what is it that so attractive about the M8 convert?

One of the main features that appeals to drivers of the M8 is its spacious driver’s compartment. In itself, this offers many practical benefits including ample storage space and a handy centre console for all your belongings.

The driver’s seat has also been re-designed for maximum safety and comfort, offering multiple adjustment options so you can achieve your ideal positioning.  Plus, taxi passengers benefit from a quick release door, sliding windows and air conditioning that make for a pleasant journey in any weather.

The 4-cyclinder Euro 5 CDi diesel engine delivers both power and receptiveness, also making the M8 the ideal economical selection.   In fact, not only does the new M8 drive brilliantly but so far many customers have been impressed by how quickly they have noticed a return on their miles per gallon.

Referring to his recent purchase of the M8 Robert Rayner, a taxi driver of 31 years adds: ‘“I’ve been really impressed with the overall specification and the taxi features of the M8 cab. The twin electric side-steps are particularly useful for older passengers and the wheelchair accessible ramp is really easy to use. It just clicks together to make wheelchair work no problem at all – it’s a vast improvement from what I had before.”

For a taxi insurance quote on the M8 or any other vehicle call us now on 0800 142 2828. Alternatively, you can read more about taxi insurance or obtain a quote online. 

Posted by Tim Crighton