A very happy insureTAXI fleet customer!
January 8, 2010
Allan Fray, owner of Select Station Cars based in Northwich, Cheshire has had a taxi fleet insurance policy with insureTAXI for many years.
Allan explains why
“insureTAXI has always searched around to make sure that I am paying the lowest rates for my taxi fleet insurance. I’ve always been pleased with the premiums they have been able to provide”
Allan continues
“However the relationship I have with insureTAXI runs much deeper than pure price. I rely on them to help me manage my taxi fleet and make sure that all my cars are on the road and earning me money.
Take January 5th for example. The bad weather and snow caused one of my taxi drivers to have an accident. Within one hour of reporting this to insureTAXI, they had a plated replacement vehicle delivered to by head office all ready to use!”
“ONE hour! In the worst weather conditions for many years! That must be some sort of record in the taxi accident management claims records – I was hugely impressed and I didn’t lose a penny in revenue. Its this type of service that means I would never dream of leaving insureTAXI”
insureTAXI has a strategic partnership with Kindertons accident management company that allows insureTAXI to provide replacement plated taxis in the event of accidents as quickly as possible. For competitive taxi insurance, including free replacement taxi vehicles, call insureTAXI on 0800 142 28 28 or visit our website for an instant online taxi insurance quote