Can you crack this brainteaser? It’s driving us around the bend!
July 25, 2016
Here at insureTAXI, we decided to have a bit of fun and put together this brainteaser – it’s been causing everyone in the office a headache and is driving us around the bend!
Can you spot the solitary, traditional black cab amongst this sea of brightly coloured cars? This tangled mess is something you might usually witness at Spaghetti Junction in rush hour!
We decided to put this optical illusion together after we conducted a survey of drivers which found that the majority of you like to take to the internet to play games, complete puzzles and use social media while waiting for your next fare.
We’re always working to get a better understanding of our customers, so we’ll be using the rest of the survey data to help us better get to know your different behaviours, habits and opinions so we can shape our service to meet your needs.
Now, if you don’t want to see the answer, don’t scroll any further as we’re about to reveal the location of the black cab!
Are you sure you want to know where it is? If yes, keep scrolling…if not, turn away!
You seem pretty sure you want to see, so the answer’s coming up…
Here’s the black cab! Did you spot it?
So far, our drivers are really enjoying this challenging brainteaser, and the best part is – it’s something everyone can get involved in! So why not share it with your friends, family and followers on Facebook and Twitter, and challenge everyone you know to have a go at spotting the black cab!