Tips and Tricks for Your Seasonal Shifts
December 15, 2015
The winter weather makes drivers more prone to accidents, and with the combination of the Christmas period, people opt to drink instead of drive which means business is booming for taxi firms!
However, in order to provide the best service possible for your customers and to make sure the busy season runs as smoothly as possible. Here are a few tips to make sure this Christmas goes without a hitch.
In preparation for the Christmas rush, it’s important to make sure your vehicle is in good working order with a few general maintenance checks. You might also want to keep some helpful tips up your sleeve so your seasonal shifts are as stress-free as possible.
Check Your Windscreen Washer Fluid
The icy elements don’t tend to agree with cars, full stop. Icy roads provide inconveniences from dangerous road conditions to frozen windscreen washer fluid which can prove to be quite the complication when a sudden downpour of sleet decides to fall.
Make sure your fluids are thawed in good time before taking to the roads to ensure that if need be, you have optimum visibility if any freak weather decides to hit.
Are Your Tires in Good Nick?
It’s always wise to make sure the treads of your tires haven’t thinned in the rough terrain that winter paves. The fluctuating temperatures mean that rain seeps into cracks in the road which then freezes .This later expands the cracks to create potholes and these guys aren’t very kind to your vehicle’s suspension either!
Is Your Heater Working?
Make sure your customers are content in your cab – ensure your heater isn’t about to konk out during the coldest time of the year. Keep the inside of your car cosy to keep passengers from complaining!
A heater in good working condition also means that your car will thaw more quickly at the start or in between shifts. If you’d rather not keep your car running to save on fuel, keep a good supply of de-icer in the boot for emergencies!
Inform Your Customers of any Fare Increases
Your passengers may not be aware that you may charge more during the busy Christmas holidays. Let people know before you set off to their desired destination so that there are no arguments at the other end!
Bring a Flask of Coffee
It’s going to be a long shift!
With these handy hints and tips, the Christmas period should be smooth sailing. With regular checks on your taxi, you minimise the chances of having an accident. But to be super safe this season, you may want to look to us for a cheap taxi insurance quote. To get the cover you need, get a quote on our website today or contact us for more information at 0333 2000 0094. Alternatively you can check our Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates!