Meet our taxi insurance fleet team
November 20, 2012
At insureTAXI, we have a dedicated taxi insurance fleet team who work with all of our Taxi company owners / managers on a day-to-day basis. These fleets vary in size from 3 vehicles up to 200+ vehicles, and whatever the size, our clients really value the expert advice and help they receive from our fleet experts.

The insureTAXI fleet team. Providing taxi insurance and fleet management services for taxi company owners/managers. Starting from 3 vehicles, up to 200+. These guys are fleet experts and are at the end of the phone for you, day or night.
Speak to any of our taxi fleet insurance customers, and the feedback they would give on this team is very complimentary. What insureTAXI learnt several years ago that it is VITAL that you have a specialist team, and not an adviso who only occasionally deals with a fleet customer.
This team often speak DAILY to their customer – adding drivers, changing vehicles, sorting out claims and replacement vehicles – and understand fully the time pressures fleet owners are under. When they need something doing, it needs to be done immediately!
To this end, we have seen some of the business relationships blossom into friendships, with our account managers being invited to our Taxi Fleet owners work Christmas parties!
Of course, the insurance premium and cost per vehicle is very important to a fleet owner as this has an impact on the profitability of his/her company. However, excellent customer service and risk management advice are also of paramount importance and many of our customers have said they would not go anywhere else for their taxi fleet insurance.
insureTAXI however will not rest on our laurals and continue to develop & train this team as it grows to serve our expanding customer base.
Thank you all for your custom, and if you have 3+ vehicles please do contact our fleet team on 0800 142 2833 or leave your details on our taxi fleet insurance website
Posted by Tim Crighton